Тренировочный вариант №14 ВПР 2025 по АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ 4 класс

Тренировочный вариант №14 ВПР 2025 по АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ 4 класс. ВПР 2025 Английский язык 4 класс Тренировочные варианты. Всероссийская проверочная работа по АНГЛИЙСКОМУ 2025 4 класс.

1. Ты услышишь сообщение. Для каждого предложения А–Е выбери один правильный вариант ответа из трёх предложенных (1, 2 или 3). Ты услышишь текст дважды.


A. Where is Emma?

  1. At home.
  2. In the park.
  3. At a cafe.

B. What is Emma doing at the park?

  1. Feeding ducks.
  2. Riding a bike.
  3. Playing football.

C. What will Emma do after feeding the ducks?

  1. Sit and read a book.
  2. Meet her friend Mia.
  3. Go home.

D. What do Emma and Mia want to try at the cafe?

  1. Chocolate cake.
  2. Ice cream.
  3. Sandwiches.

E. What will Emma do after coming home?

  1. Watch a football match.
  2. Finish her book.
  3. Go to bed.





2. Alex’s New Hobby

Alex was twelve years old when he discovered a love for photography. His family lived near a park, and every weekend, Alex would borrow his father’s old camera to capture pictures of birds, trees, and flowers. He found it fascinating how the same scene looked different in the morning and evening light.

One day, Alex’s school announced a photography contest. The theme was «Nature’s Beauty.» Excited, Alex decided to enter the competition. He spent two weeks preparing, choosing his best photos from the park and carefully editing them. On the day of the contest, he felt both nervous and excited as he submitted his work.

To Alex’s surprise and joy, his photo of a sunset over the lake won first prize. His parents and teachers praised his talent, and Alex decided to save money to buy his own camera. From that day, photography became more than a hobby—it became his passion.

A. How old was Alex when he discovered his love for photography?

  1. Ten years old
  2. Twelve years old
  3. Fourteen years old

B. What did Alex enjoy photographing in the park?

  1. People
  2. Animals
  3. Nature

C. What was the theme of the school photography contest?

  1. «Colors of Life»
  2. «Nature’s Beauty»
  3. «City Lights»

D. How long did Alex prepare for the contest?

  1. One week
  2. Two weeks
  3. Three weeks

E. What did Alex decide to do after winning the contest?

  1. Enter another competition
  2. Save money for a new camera
  3. Teach others photography





3. Прочитай рассказ. Вставь вместо каждого пропуска, обозначенного буквами А–Е, нужную грамматическую форму, выбрав её из трёх предложенных вариантов (1, 2 или 3). 

Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain in Africa and one of the most famous peaks in the world. It is located in Tanzania and A______ at 5,895 meters above sea level. Kilimanjaro has three volcanic cones, and although they are no longer active, the mountain is still covered with snow at the top, despite being near the equator.

Climbers from all over the world come to B______ this incredible mountain. It is not an easy climb, but many people manage to reach the summit. The journey takes several days, and climbers often stop to rest and adjust to the high altitude. Along the way, they C______ a variety of landscapes, including forests, moorlands, and snowy peaks.

Mount Kilimanjaro is also important to the local people. They consider it a sacred place and a symbol of strength. Visitors are encouraged to respect the mountain and D______ the environment. Climbing Kilimanjaro is not only a physical challenge but also a way to learn more about Tanzania’s culture and natural beauty.



  1. stands
  2. lying
  3. standing


  1. climb
  2. visit
  3. ignore


  1. see
  2. explore
  3. lose


  1. protect
  2. damage
  3. leave


  1. sacred
  2. ordinary
  3. small





4. Помоги своему другу заполнить анкету для сайта «Друзья онлайн». Прочитай текст и запиши информацию в таблицу. Под каждым номером запиши только одно слово (без артиклей). Числа необходимо записать словами.


Emily is from England. She is 11 years old and lives with her parents and younger brother in a small village. Emily loves nature and enjoys spending time in her garden. She grows strawberries, carrots, and tomatoes. Her favorite thing to do in the summer is to pick fresh strawberries and make jam with her mum.

Emily has a pet rabbit named Fluffy. She takes good care of him by feeding him carrots from her garden. Fluffy loves hopping around the backyard while Emily reads her favorite books. Emily also likes painting pictures of her garden and Fluffy.

On weekends, Emily often visits her grandparents, who live in the same village. They have a big apple tree, and Emily enjoys climbing it to pick apples. She dreams of becoming a farmer when she grows up because she loves plants and animals.

Name 1.
Age 2.
City 3.
Favorite Activity 4.
Sister’s Name 5.
Sister’s Hobby 6.
Father’s Hobby 7.
Favorite Ice Cream 8.



Текст для аудирования

Сейчас ты будешь выполнять задание по аудированию. Ты услышишь запись дважды. После первого и второго прослушиваний у тебя будет время для выполнения и проверки задания.
Все паузы включены в аудиозапись. Остановка и повторное прослушивание аудиозаписи не предусмотрены.

Ты услышишь сообщение. Для каждого предложения А–Е выбери один правильный вариант
ответа из трёх предложенных (1, 2 или 3). Ты услышишь текст дважды.
Мы готовы начать.

«A Day in the Park

Hi, Dad. This is Emma. I’m at the local park right now. It’s a beautiful day, so I decided to come here for a walk. I brought some bread to feed the ducks by the pond. There are so many families here today. After feeding the ducks, I plan to sit on a bench and read my new book. Later, I’ll meet my friend Mia at the cafe near the entrance. We want to try their famous chocolate cake and talk about our weekend plans. I’ll be home by 6 p.m., and then we can watch the football match together.»

У тебя есть 30 секунд, чтобы записать ответы в таблицу.
(Пауза 30 секунд.)
Сейчас ты услышишь диалог ещё раз.
У тебя есть 30 секунд, чтобы проверить свои ответы.
Задание завершено.
Время, отвёденное на выполнение заданий, истекло.